
List of All the Supported Cryptocurrencies

Check the list of crypto coins supported by AioPay having high market caps and large communities. Merchants on AioPay can accept payments in cryptocurrencies supported by AioPay by creating a compatible cryptocurrency wallet.

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  • We can see cryptocurrency payments replacing fiat payments in future, maybe or maybe not. AioPay’s cryptocurrency list just aims to provide more convenience to merchants in accepting crypto payments.
  • AioPay’s cryptocurrency list is specially curated by experts that cover all the aspects that can benefit merchants. Merchants are probably going to find a large number of customers willing to pay in cryptocurrencies supported by AioPay.
  • Each cryptocurrency has its advantages such as Bitcoin’s largest market cap, Litecoin’s rapidly growing adoption, Bitcoin cash’s higher block size, Ethereum’s largest ecosystem in blockchain & cryptocurrency, Dogecoin’s rapidly growing popularity & network, Dash’s faster crypto transactions, Tether’s stability, Binance’s liquidity, Tron’s incredibly low transaction fees and Monero’s untraceable transaction history.
  • These are just highlights, all these cryptocurrencies have a bunch of advantages that have the potential to benefit merchants in future.
  • Apart from that, you’ll find something unique in this crypto coin list, which is the Test Coin. It behaves just like a conventional cryptocurrency. Merchants can test their integrations using this.
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